GW Kent Pall Supradisc AKS Module
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SUPRAdisc AKS 4 modules were developed to satisfy general purpose carbon adsorption applications in the food and beverage industry.
Filtration Guidelines Typical flux rates used on food and beverage fluids are 150-250 L/m2/h (3.7-6.2 gal/ft2/h). Higher fluxes may be possible according to the application. Due to the various factors, which may affect the adsorption process, Pall recommends an initial scaled-down testing as a reliable method of qualifying filter performance. For additional operating guidelines, including rinsing of sheets prior to use, please refer to instructions provided by Pall.
SUPRAdisc AKS 4 Formats: 12″ diameter (284 mm), 15 cells, 1.7m² area 16″ diameter (410 mm), 19 cells, 4.5 m² area