Hand Washing Station – 44/30 3 Barrel kit
- One 100% FDA food-grade compliant 44-gallon stainless steel washing vessel (capacity 10,000 grams) with a neoprene insulation jacket.
- Two 100% FDA food-grade compliant 30-gallon stainless steel collection vessels with neoprene insulation jackets.
- Two stainless steel false bottoms for use in 30-gallon collection barrels
- Three 1.5″ tri-clamp ball valves with gaskets & clamps
- One 1.5″ tri-clamp sight glass with gasket & clamp on wash barrel
- One tri-clamp temperature gauge with gasket & clamp on wash barrel
- Two three-wheel carts for 30-gallon collection barrels
 (no tax) No Freight $8,899.00Â