The EV-M extractor is a closed-loop system capable of up to three runs per hour when utilizing ethanol as the primary extraction solvent. It comes pre-plumbed for chillers and heaters, and also includes nylon mesh filter bags to make loading and unloading labour efficient. A single centrifugal unit processes between 60 – 90 lbs/hour, these units are perfect for starting out your dream Extracting Facility. This easily transferrable system, fitting through 30” doorways, allows a single operator to effortlessly program custom cycle parameters and process 600-lbs of organic material in a 10-hour shift or run multiple units in parallel to scale up throughput. While being able to perform single, double, or triple washes, the equipment also contains two complete refrigeration circuits for redundancy and load control.
EV-M Additional Features:
Capacity: Up to 30 lbs/batch
Batch cycle time: 20-30 min*(dependent on customer SOP, mill size, THC/CBD content, and desired temperature)
Designed, engineered & manufactured in Canada
Power requirements: 240VAC 15A circuit (Haz-Loc requirements considered)
Centrifuge rated for C1D2 Hazardous locations
Third party engineered peer-reviewed by PSI
7″ high resolution touch screen HMI (human machine interface). Designed for ease of use and optimization in process control
Full statistical analysis allowing the user to view and log: batch time, average batch time, and display live outputs (RPM, G-force, inside temps, shift cycles, lifetime cycles, etc.)
95% Extraction Efficiency
Multi Stage Filtration
120 L / 30 Gallons of ethanol used per cycle
1 operator is capable of running 3 units
Hosing and piping meet 3A sanitary standards
Automation & Integration
Maratek’s EV-M Ethanol Extraction equipment can also be easily integrated with Maratek’s other technologies, such as Maratek’s solvent recovery options (OERS) for 99%+ ethanol recovery, decarboxylation, and ethanol reproofing. Maratek can also work with any other equipment in your facility, allowing you to streamline and automate your entire production process. Together, these technologies can create a completely automated, GMP turnkey solution for your cryogenic ethanol extracting needs.
For over 50 years, Maratek has been engineering & manufacturing environmentally-friendly, high quality products that recycle solvents for the printing, coatings, automotive, aerospace, food, and paint industries.